
Transformed wounds

José Miguel Granados recommends reading Loved as I amby Miriam James Heidland.

José Miguel Granados-February 10, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes
book loved as I am

Book file

TitleLoved as I am. An invitation to Conversion, Freedom and Healing through Jesus.
AuthorMiriam James Heidland, S.O.L.T.
EditorialAve Maria Press
Year: 2014
Pages: 106

"Every pain which is not transformed is transmitted - Every wound which is not transformed is transmitted". This is one of Sister Miriam James Heidland's strongest statements in her impressive testimonial and thematic talks (which can be seen on social media) or in her recent publication: Loved as I Am. An invitation to Conversion, Freedom and Healing through Jesus (Loved as I am. An invitation to Conversion, Freedom and Healing through Jesus).

The author, sister Miriam James Heidland

In fact, experience teaches us that a soul sickened by sin oozes poison and bitterness. At the same time, we can see that every wound of the heart healed by grace makes a person wiser, more grateful and humble: it enables him to pour out the tenderness and goodness of the Lord all around him, especially to his suffering brothers and sisters. 

This is what happened to this dynamic Texan religious, a descendant of German immigrants, who in her university youth was a volleyball player and also went through a painful period, far from God, trapped by addictions. The Lord came to her with compassion in the merciful gaze of an elderly priest, who helped her to get up and courageously embark on the beautiful path of total love for Christ.

We can see that every wound of the heart healed by grace makes the person wiser, more grateful and humble.

The audiences were moved by the authenticity and strength of this consecrated woman who simply showed her miseries purified by divine mercy, becoming a convincing witness of the joy of the Gospel. Her new heart radiates the beauty of the following of Christ.

Also our life, transformed and healed by the Spirit of the Lord, full and luminous, will lead many to accept the power of Jesus, physician of souls, dear friend and savior of the world.

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