
The long night of the churches

On June 10, an event was held in Italy that combines art, music and culture in the key of reflection and spirituality. 

Omnes-June 17, 2022-Reading time: 2 minutes
long night churches

Photo: concert at the Church of San Francesco. ©

This initiative began thanks to an association of the city of Belluno, but it extends to hundreds of churches in many dioceses throughout Italy, which adhere to this seventh edition. The long night of the churches began in 2016 and has been held annually since then. 

The Church is involved in the social life of every city, opening many sacred places free of charge to host exhibitions, concerts, guided tours, readings, moments of reflection. 

This event, which is ecumenical, since other Christian churches are also involved, counts on the collaboration of the Italian dioceses, their vicariates of culture, the offices of sacred art, youth ministries and numerous other religious denominations. 

The Long Night of the Churches is a completely free event, which is only supported thanks to the help of the many volunteers and associations that lend their time every year. This is why it is proposed to help the cultural initiative with donations, so that it can continue and expand this project from year to year.

The theme of the VII edition

The theme chosen for this seventh edition is En-cuentra (In-contra), which is born of the hope that we can once again fully experience this day in the presence, within the marvelous places of worship. While preparing the 2022 edition, similar themes emerged from the suggestions of the participants in the event: inclusion, rediscovery of links, weaving relationships, welcome, friendship, diversity, fraternity, rapprochement, dialogue, proximity, solidarity....

The Italian motto In-Contra was conceived by dividing with a hyphen the preposition "In" from the adverb "Contra", two words that are technically opposed but which together express the central and significant element of the dialogue, that of diversity.

The concept was also strongly emphasized by the Holy Father in his last apostolic journey, underlining the importance in the logic of welcome of transforming the potential "enemy" into a "guest".

Who can participate?

All places of worship, of any denomination, participate in the event. The organization can come from the individual parish with its pastor, supported by other leaders. Associations, musical groups, artists who want to perform, can propose it to their parish priest and take care of the organization of the evening themselves. 

The objectives of the event are multiple: to show clearly the life of the Christian Church; to be an opportunity to meet people who are often far from it; to make people experience the plurality of forms of expression of the Church and religious communities; to awaken interest in the cultural and social initiatives of the churches; to present the churches as important parts of public life; to make children and young people, in particular, discover the church as a living space.

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