
The Spanish Episcopal Conference prepares a major vocations congress

On September 26 and 27, the Standing Commission of the Spanish Episcopal Conference met. Among the topics discussed were the 2025 Vocations Congress, the ecumenical celebration for the anniversary of the Council of Nicaea and the approval of some appointments.

Paloma López Campos-September 27, 2024-Reading time: 2 minutes
CEE Permanent Commission

Meeting of the Permanent Commission of the Spanish Episcopal Conference (Flickr / Conferencia Episcopal Española)

On September 26 and 27, the Standing Committee of the Spanish Episcopal Conference held its 268th meeting. Among the topics discussed by the bishops were the Vocations Congress to be held in 2025, the ecumenical celebration for the anniversary of the Council of Nicaea in November 2025 and the approval of some appointments.

2025 Vocations Congress

The aforementioned Vocations Congress will be held in Madrid from February 7 to 9 and will mark the end of the 2021-2025 pastoral plan. The Episcopal Conference hopes that these days will be "a great celebration" and that they will promote "the spirituality of vocation". According to the press release issued by the institution, some 3,500 participants are expected to attend.

Also in relation to vocations, the Standing Commission assessed during the meeting the results of the "Marriage Week" held in February. Taking into account the impact of this initiative, the Episcopal Conference agreed that "this 'Marriage Week' should be an ordinary campaign of the Church."

2024 data

On the other hand, Alfredo Dagnino, president of the Regulatory Compliance Body, presented the first phase of the work of this entity. In addition, the bishops received the data related to Apse Media, the Spanish Institute of Foreign Missions and the National Catholic Confederation of Parents and Students' Parents.

Regarding economic data, the Standing Commission reviewed the budgets of the Episcopal Conference and the proposed distribution of the Interdiocesan Common Fund for 2025 that they intend to present at the November Plenary Assembly.


Regarding appointments, the Standing Committee has approved the following:

-Cecilia Ruiloba Castelazo (consecrated laywoman of the Regnum Christi), as director of the secretariat of the Episcopal Subcommission for Universities and Culture.

-Luis Miguel Rojo Septién (priest of the Congregation of the Mission), as delegate of Cáritas Española.

-José Cristóbal Moreno García (priest of the Diocese of Orihuela-Alicante), as National Consiliary of the Federation of the Apostolate of Divine Mercy in Spain.

-José Ruiz Pérez (layman of the diocese of Albacete), as president of the Federation of the Apostolate of Divine Mercy in Spain.

-Marta Ventura Arasanz (a laywoman from the Archdiocese of Barcelona), as national president of the Spanish Federation of the Hospitality of Our Lady of Lourdes.

Jorge López Martínez (priest of the Archdiocese of Burgos), as ecclesiastical advisor to the Spanish-American Secular Apostolic Cooperation Work.

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