
European Youth Pilgrimage begins to take shape

The European Youth Pilgrimage 2022 (EYP), which will take place in Santiago de Compostela between August 3 and 7, 2022 on the occasion of the Compostela Holy Year, has launched its website and a mobile application.

Maria José Atienza-April 11, 2022-Reading time: 2 minutes

Santiago de Compostela will host, next August, the European Youth Pilgrimage, organized jointly by this diocese and the Subcommission for Youth and Children of the Spanish Episcopal Conference. Initially scheduled for August 2021, this youth meeting was moved to August 2022 because of the pandemic while the Compostela Holy Year was extended to 2022 for the same reason.

Catechesis, recreational activities and concerts will be part of this meeting in which young people from all over Spain and several European countries, especially Portugal, Italy and France, are expected to participate.

Although the organization of the PEJ22 is not going to make any "official" path, the organization will coordinate with all the realities, movements and associations that want to participate in order to make an equitable distribution of the 10 possible paths in the dates prior to the PEJ.

This European Youth Pilgrimage has as its motto "Young man stand up and be a witness" part of one of the three verses on which Pope Francis encouraged young people to reflect and pray at WYD 2019 in Panama, in view of the World Youth Day in Lisbon.

Young man, to you I say, stand up!' (Lk. 7,14 - Christus vivit', 20) for the year 2020;

'Arise, I make you a witness of the things you have seen!' (Acts 26:16)" by the year 2021;

"Mary arose and departed without delay." extracted from Lk 1:39, for the year 2022, the year of WYD in Lisbon.

Three themes that have in common the invitation to young people to "get up", to hasten to live the Lord's call and spread the good news, as Mary did after having pronounced her "Here I am".

The mobile application and the web

The PEJ22 mobile application is available both in Apple Store as in Google PlayIt is conceived as an internal communication vehicle for all the participants of the pilgrimage. At the moment, it is in its first phase of development, but it will be incorporating new functions in the coming months exclusively for the young people registered.

Meanwhile, on the official websiteIn the "Pilgrimage of the Pilgrimage" section, you can find basic information about the pilgrimage, with all the graphic materials available to visitors, the latest news about the PEJ, and information about the routes.

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