The World

The Discalced Carmelite Nuns of Santiago de Compostela close the community

The monastery will continue to have a religious life thanks to the Contemplative Carmelite Brothers, who will occupy it.

Loreto Rios-August 21, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes

Profession of Carmelite nuns ©OSV

Currently, the community of Carmelitas Descalzas de Santiago de Compostela is composed of five nuns. At the beginning of the year 2022 they began a process to discern what to do with the community and have finally decided to close it.

Miguel Márquez, the community indicated that "in April 2022 our community began a period of discernment about its future, since we have been decreasing numerically to the point that it is really difficult to maintain a serene and contemplative rhythm of life, harmonizing our community with its own needs.

life of prayer and work," according to a communiqué from the order.

The same communiqué points out that all this process and the final decision have been contrasted at all times with the archbishops of Santiago and with the superiors of the Discalced Carmel, "both at the provincial and general level". The letter continues indicating that "from the Order of the Discalced Carmel we want to make clear that the Discalced Carmelites of Santiago de Compostela have looked for alternatives before deciding the cessation of the foundation. Specifically, they have requested to other monasteries of diverse countries that some Carmelite sister could reinforce this community. The current lack of vocations has made this possibility unfeasible".

However, since that option was discarded, the Carmelites have sought a means for the monastery to continue to have a religious life, an objective that has been achieved thanks to the Contemplative Carmelite Friars.

"When the community decided that we had to take the painful decision to leave our Carmel all the sisters had only one desire: that the church of Carmel would remain open, that the Virgin would continue to receive worship, that the monastery could continue to host a life of prayer and intercession and that the tomb and the Cause of Our Venerable Mother M.ª Antonia de Jesús would be taken care of", the Discalced Carmelites of Santiago de Compostela indicate in the letter to Father Miguel Márquez. Mother M.ª Antonia de Jesús, declared Venerable, is currently in the process of beatification.

In the order's communiqué, the Carmelites thank the archbishopric of Santiago for "its closeness and accompaniment during this difficult stage" and "the respect and affection that the city has always had for them".

The final dates for the closure of the community are still unknown, although it is expected to be during 2024.

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