
Cardinal Robert Sarah: "We must strengthen unity in the Church".

We offer the speech given by Cardinal Robert Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship, at the presentation in Madrid of his book It's getting late and it's getting dark (Ediciones Palabra).

Omnes-November 12, 2019-Reading time: 3 minutes

The presentation was made by the Secretary General and spokesperson of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, Bishop Luis Argüello. The president of Ediciones Palabra, Rosario Martín, introduced the event held on November 7, and Alfonso Riobó, director of Palabra, then moderated a discussion.

My most sincere and affectionate greetings to all of you here present present here today, on this afternoon in which we present the Spanish edition of It's getting late and it's getting dark. In particular I am particularly grateful to Ediciones Palabra, which, as with God or nothing y The power of silencehave made it possible for the Spanish-speaking public to read what Spanish-speaking public can read what, faithful to my vocation as a pastor, I have to preach: Jesus Christ, the only truth, the only way and the only life (cf. Jn 14, 6).

Stay with us, Lord, for it is getting late and it is getting dark (cf. and it is getting dark (cf. Lc 24, 29). These words that the disciples of Emmaus addressed to the Risen Christ are the ones that inspired the title of my last book, in which I address the deep inspired the title of my latest book, in which I address the profound crisis of faith, of the priesthood, of the Church and of the anthropological crisis. the deep crisis of faith, of the priesthood, of the Church and the anthropological, spiritual, moral and political crisis of the contemporary world, spiritual, moral and political crisis of the contemporary world.

Far from being a negative title, it is intended to bring light to those who, in the darkness of confusion, disorientation or disorientation to those who, in the darkness of confusion, disorientation or doubt, want to be enlightened to find the only of confusion, disorientation or doubt, want to be enlightened in order to find the only truth that saves: Jesus Christ.

But before I go any further into this subject, I would also like to thank the kind words addressed to me by Ms. Rosario Martín, president of Ediciones Palabra, and Mr. Alfonso Riobó, director of the Martín, president of Ediciones Palabra, and Mr. Alfonso Riobó, director of the magazine Palabra. Palabra. I would also like to thank Monsignor Luis Argüello, Auxiliary Bishop of Valladolid and Secretary of the of Valladolid and Secretary of the Spanish Bishops' Conference, for his affectionate and for his affectionate and accurate words but, above all, for his profound and detailed reading of the book. and detailed reading of the book.

Returning to the Gospel pericope of Emmaus, we see reflected in it the attitude of a world that wants to live far away or even without God. God. The two disciples were leaving Jerusalem (cf. Lc 24, 13) not only physically but spiritually. They were moving away from the redemptive redemptive mysteries of the passion and death of Jesus Christ that, days before, had taken place in the Holy City, had taken place in the Holy City.

Pope Francis, in addressing this Gospel episode in a General Audience evangelical episode in a General Audience, said: "The two pilgrims pilgrims cultivated a purely human hope, which was then being shattered. shattered. This cross raised on Calvary was the most eloquent sign of a defeat they had not foreseen... Thus, on that Sunday morning, these two pilgrims cultivated a hope that was only human. defeat that they had not foreseen... Thus, on that Sunday morning, these two flee from Jerusalem". (May 24, 2017).

I am consoled by the fact that Jesus accompanies them, even though they are far away. even when they are far away; he comes close to them and walks with them. He nourishes them by breaking not only the physical bread but also the bread of the word, in order to open the eyes of their souls of their souls and make their cold hearts burn (cf. Lc 24, 31-32).

What was the encounter with the Master that, at once, they got up to return to Jerusalem to join the Eleven (cf. instantly, they rose to return to Jerusalem to join the Eleven (cf. Lc 24, 33). The Risen One had them, bringing them out of the tomb of doubt and disorientation to become heralds of the good news. heralds of the good news: "Truly, the Lord is risen and has appeared to Simon." (Lc 24, 34).

We too today, like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, must tell the world, by our words and our deeds, what we have to tell the world. Emmaus, we must tell the world, with our words and with our deeds, what has happened to us as we walk with Christ and how we what has happened to us as we walk with Christ and how we recognize him as we read the Scriptures and break bread at every Eucharistic celebration (cf. Scriptures and in the breaking of bread at every Eucharistic Celebration (cf. Lc 24, 35).

Here is the mission of the Church today, as we proclaim every day in the Eucharist we acclaim every day in the Eucharist: "We proclaim your death, we proclaim your resurrection. your death, we proclaim your resurrection, come, Lord Jesus". But what would would happen if, in the words of Jesus, "salt becomes bland" (Mt 5, 13) or if the lamp is put under the the bushel (cf. Mt 5, 15)?

This occurs when some oppose the Church's carrying out of the Lord's mandate the Church to carry out the Lord's command: "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to all creation. the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to all creation. He who believes and is he who believes and is baptized will be saved; he who does not believe will be condemned." (Mc 16, 15-16).

But the saddest and most painful thing is when, either by complicit silences or by either by complicit silences or by pernicious scandals, she who is called to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth, becomes dull and obscure. light of the world and salt of the earth, becomes dull and dark, being dishonored by enemies within her. dishonored by enemies within her.

For all these reasons, the edition that we are now presenting that many who have fallen away from the Lord, because of their lack of faith or because of the scandals of those who are by the scandals of those who are called to be a mirror of God's love, feel the presence of the Risen Jesus as they walk.

Dear brothers and sisters, we must dwell in the open heart of the Son of God. open heart of the Son of God, we must strengthen unity in the Church, we must pray without faltering, we must preserve Catholic doctrine, we must love the Holy Father with all our heart, and we must bear witness to our faith. love the Holy Father with all our hearts, and give witness to our faith by works of charity. with works of charity.

Mary, Mother of the Church and perfect disciple of the Lord, help us of the Lord, help us so that, every time it gets dark in our lives, she may show us the Sun that rises the Sun that rises from on high, Jesus Christ, her Son and our Lord, who will illumine those who live in darkness and the shadow of death (cf. illumine those who live in darkness and in the shadow of death (cf. Lc 1, 78-79). Thank you very much for your for your attention and your affection.

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