The Vatican

"Baptism is a new birthday," Pope Francis explains.

On January 7, 2024, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. In his Angelus and Mass messages, Pope Francis emphasized that Christ "wants to be close to sinners."

Paloma López Campos-January 7, 2024-Reading time: 2 minutes

Pope baptizes a baby on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord (CNS photo / Vatican Media)

On Sunday, January 7, the Catholic Church celebrates the Baptism of the Lord. As is customary on this feast, Pope Francis baptized the children of some Vatican workers in the morning.

The Holy Father said during the homily that little ones who are baptized receive "the most beautiful gift, the gift of faith, the gift of the Lord." However, he stressed that children also give a gift to those who accompany them during the ceremony. The newly baptized, Francis explained, bear witness to how the faith should be received: "with innocence, with openness of heart."

Children of God by baptism

A few hours later, the pope prayed the Angelus with those gathered in St. Peter's Square. There he began his message on this Sunday's feast by saying that Christ's Baptism "shows us that he wants to be close to sinners."

The Holy Father pointed out what a great feast the day of our baptism is for all of us. At that moment, "God enters into us, purifies, heals our hearts, makes us his children forever". Even more. Francis said that, through this sacrament, "God becomes intimate with us and no longer leaves."

The Pope encouraged Catholics to keep in mind the date of their baptism, to thank parents for bringing the faith closer to their children and godparents for taking care of it. He also invited everyone to "celebrate one's own baptism," for it is essentially "a new birthday."

Finally, the Pontiff posed two questions for everyone to ponder:

- "Am I aware of the immense gift I carry in me through baptism?"

-Do I recognize in my life the light of God's presence, who sees me as his beloved son, as his beloved daughter?"

Christmas for the communities of the East

After the Angelus, Pope Francis asked for prayers for the newly baptized children in the Vatican and the world. He also remembered the people kidnapped in Colombia and those affected by floods in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The Holy Father greeted the pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square, "especially the young people from the parish of Santissimo Crocifisso in Rome, the Milano 35 scout group and the 'Totus Tuus' association of Potenza".

In addition, the Pope wished the ecclesial communities of the East "light, charity and peace" as they celebrate Holy Christmas today, since they follow the Julian calendar.

Pope Francis greets people gathered in St. Peter's Square to pray the Angelus on January 7, 2024 (CNS photo/Vatican Media).
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