
Alfredo Llovet. A great family symphony

These lines, dedicated to Dr. Alfredo Llovet, are a small tribute to all those who have lost their lives to Covid-19. His daughter Carmen recalls professional and family experiences.

Carmen Llovet-May 15, 2020-Reading time: 3 minutes

Dad was 76 years old. He was a cardiologist. When he went to heaven, on April 2, his mother's birthday, the happiness he had sown on earth, experienced first hand by his wife, after 41 years of marriage, and by his six children, was put on high. His colleagues at the CUN (Clínica Universidad de Navarra), would have liked to take care of him during the passion he suffered for fourteen days, like so many other sick people, because of the pandemic. 

His residents at the 12 de Octubre Hospital, where he worked for almost 40 years, shared with us the orphanhood they feel as a cardiological family of the "great Alfredo Llovet", "for the effort and love invested in his professional and personal growth"., "by ehe great weight and mark he has left on all those who have had the good fortune to cross paths with him in life". Emotions that Dad kept in his humility and that he knew personally, as they still kept in touch. They also remember the impetus of his teaching: "you are the best", "you know it all", "you have to maintain the capacity for amazement". They commemorate their generous collaboration, "always eager to listen", because "believed in them". He was well represented by the traits of the good teacher published by one of the magazines to which he still subscribed, Our Time

Dad worked his way into the profession and research in leading international methods and publications, and he read the Spanish Journal of Cardiology to attend medical consultations, many of them moved by closeness and friendship. His patients sought him out until the end. They found support in his vast knowledge and light in his kind treatment. His friends and family loved him like a blood brother. They learned from a teacher who was always cheerful and positive, with good humor and intelligent conversation. They rested with someone who said "whenever you need it, call me.".   

Everyone remembers the last time they spoke with him, recently, over an aperitif, in a telephone conversation, receiving a Gospel. He was enthusiastically preparing catechesis for Christian formation, talks for married couples and the book club with the enthusiasm of a lover. 

From Houston to St. Louis

Few fathers know as much about their children as Dad. He sent us daily calls, jokes, advice, photos to encourage or remind us, so many thoughts, and smiling glances to make us feel that we faced every challenge together with him, to be grateful to everyone! He felt appealed differently by each child - daddy, puqui, "pá", papito... -, especially united with each one. To mom he called "my rodrigon", alluding to his last name, but, above all, to the stick that is nailed to the foot of a plant to support its stems and branches. His details of strength and optimism to love to the fullest at every moment make palpable the good Father with whom he has already embraced forever; I imagine him, leaning on his shoulder, while they walk. We are with them when we pray, as the best gift he has given us. Now we are even closer together, in the virtual gathering of the Rosary and in spiritual Communion.

Perhaps if Dad had written a farewell, he would have used the same dedication he sent to the St. Louis residence where I spent a research stay. It was there that he made my way to me in '74 when he was traveling from his post in fellow (period of medical specialty training and great merit in the academic field) in Houston to receive Christian formation: "May the Virgin of Molinoviejo, Holy Mary Mother of Fair Love, take care, always, of all the people who live in that house.". We will go to the Wayside Shrine to give thanks for her life. She, strong, close, affable, will give us peace.

The authorCarmen Llovet

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