The Vatican

13 new cardinals for the Church

Giovanni Tridente-October 25, 2020-Reading time: 2 minutes

Pope Francis announced, at the end of this Sunday's Angelus, the creation of 13 new cardinals at the Consistory to be held on November 28, among them 4 over 80 years of age. This is the seventh Consistory since he was elected. The The number of cardinals he has created will thus rise to 101, of whom 79 are electors and 22 are non-electors, from almost 60 different nations.

The new cardinals will be, in order:

  • Mario Grech (Malta), Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops;
  • Marcello Semeraro (Italy), Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints;
  • Antoine Kambanda (Rwanda), Archbishop of Kigali;
  • Wilton Daniel Gregory (United States), Archbishop of Washington;
  • José Fuerte Advincula (Philippines), Archbishop of Capiz;
  • Celestino Aós (Chile), Archbishop of Santiago de Chile;
  • Cornelius Sim (Brunei), Vicar Apostolic;
  • Augusto Paolo Logiudice (Italy), Archbishop of Siena-Colle Val d'Elsa-Montelcino;
  • Mauro Gambetti (Italy), Guardian of the Franciscan Community of Assisi.
  • Felipe Arizmendi Esquivel (Mexico), bishop of San Cristobal de las Casas;
  • Silvano Maria Tommasi (Italy), Apostolic Nuncio;
  • Friar Raniero Cantalamessa (Italy), Preacher of the Pontifical Household;
  • Enrico Feroci (Italy), parish priest of Santa Maria del Divino Amore in Castel di Leva.

On this occasion too, Pope Francis' election confirms the "logic of the peripheries" that has always characterized previous consistories, favoring nations of the world that are often "not news". which has always characterized previous consistories, favoring nations of the world that often "are not news". On this occasion the "fiduciary choices" are also striking, we could say, which refer to personalities who have given their lives for the Church in their ministry, such as the preacher Friar Raniero Cantalamessa, Nuncio Tommasi and the pastor of the Marian shrine in the outskirts of Rome to whom the Romans are so devoted, Enrico Feroci.

Finally, it is worth noting the "Franciscan option": three of the thirteen elected belong to the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin and Conventual Friars of St. Francis of Assisi: Aós, Cantalamessa and Gambetti.

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