The Three Wise Men are all of us

The "magi" personify all those who, without belonging to the People of Israel, were to be incorporated into Christ through baptism.

January 11, 2022-Reading time: 3 minutes

The manifestation of Jesus as the Child, the Son of God, to some "magicians from the East"is the revelation of the Messiah, Son of God, to all mankind. The "magi" represent us. They personify all those who, without belonging to the People of Israel, were to be incorporated into Christ through faith and baptism. They were the first to whom the Lord wished to manifest himself outside Israel.

Their path to the Child is guided by a "star". This shows us the importance of creation as a path to God for all peoples. The magi begin their journey from the revelation of God in nature to the revelation of God through the Scriptures of Israel: "...".In Bethlehem of Judah," they said to him, "for so it is written by the Prophet. And you, Bethlehem, land of Judah, are certainly not the least among the chief cities of Judah; for out of you shall come forth a leader who will shepherd My people Israel." (Mt 2:5-6). To find the true God, one must go through the revelation of God hIsrael.

The magi, who tradition says were also kings, represent us all. St. Leo the Great wrote: "May all peoples come to join the family of the patriarchs (....) May all nations, in the person of the three Magi, worship the Author of the universe, and may God be known, not only in Judea, but also throughout the world, so that everywhere his name may be great." (Serm.23).

The world is in great need of the true God, revealed first of all to Israel. The Magi arrive in Jerusalem "to pay homage to the King of the Jews"(Mt 2:2). He is "Who dominates over numerous peoples"(cf. Num 24:7 ff.). We all have a great need to adore this Child and to offer him the gift of our existence.

We clearly perceive that the dominant culture is relativistic. Everything must revolve around the individual himself, as a standard of truth and goodness; everything is a function of the subjective preception of each one, of each one and in the "the".right to have rightsI am a "socially responsible person," shirking family or social duties and responsibilities. Others must simply submit to my decision.

This dominant "subjectivism" that seems to favor the person, in reality weakens the person, weakening also the family and society, and makes it easily dependent on the interests of large power groups.

Yes, the Social Doctrine of the Church also affirms that ".the common good is always oriented towards the progress of people" (CCC, n.1912); that "the social order and its progress must be subordinated to the good of the people.... and not the other way around."(GS 26:3), but the person open to God as his Creator and Savior and open to the family and society; not closed in on himself. It is a social order based on the truth of the person as creature; a social order built on justice and enlivened by love. 

Is not the root of this transforming process that we are undergoing and that is leading us to a dominant "subjectivism" the spiritual impoverishment, the absence of God, the loss of the true meaning of life and death that leads to a dehumanizing nihilism? Every person needs to find meaning in life and this ultimate meaning can only be the true God, the Only One who can fully satisfy the yearning for happiness that nests in man.

That is why it is so important that we look to heaven, to that star that leads us to the Child Jesus to wake us up and help us awaken from that dehumanizing dream that seeks to banish God from the lives of men.

The authorCelso Morga

Archbishop of the Diocese of Mérida Badajoz

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