Integral ecology

"Prendersi cura di chi ci circonda", è l'antidoto all'eutanasia, afferma Benigno Blanco

"To take care of the life of those who surround us, to create concentric circles of ethical attention, to make us get involved in the life of those who are close to us, to rediscover the value of the smile, keeping all of us with kind eyes". These are the words of Benigno Blanco, former president of the Family Forum' has launched in the CARF (Fondazione Centro Accademico Romano) prima della legge sull'eutanasia.

Rafael Miner-April 20, 2022-Reading time: 3 minutes

Testo originale del articolo in inglese qui

"Empathy means to value the life of those around you, with the poor, with the elderly, with the disabled, with the unemployed, with the unemployed, even with immigrants, with Ukrainians....

Are we welcoming? Do we demonstrate with the facts, with the actions, if necessary with the gift, even if not only with that, that we have to the life of others? This is how the culture of life is created.
Therefore, if we want to impose ourselves on government and parliament, there are reasons to do so, for example through the law on euthanasia. But it is much better to do something that is within our possibilities with respect to the people around us. Love is the greatest strength".

This was the fulcrum of the message of the speaker Benigno Blanco in a reflection meeting organized by the Centro Accademico Romano Foundation (CARF) and gives Omnes pochi giorni fa.
Benigno Blanco has a vast experience in social issues, he has been president of the Spanish Family Forum, former president of the Spanish Federation of the Numbered Families and member of the federal committee of the Spanish Federation of Pro-life Associations.

The Asturian spokesman, perhaps remembering his political background, stood up on the platforms of the participants in the meeting and said: "I am not a doctor, I am not a surgeon, I do not have a hospital, I am not a minister and I am not a parliamentarian, so what can I do?
Possiamo amare le persone che ci stanno intorno, questo è ciò ciò che ci si si aspetta da noi", si è risposto.

"Bando all'amarezza e alla disperazione, assumiamoci la responsabilità di fare tutto il bene che è nelle nostre mani, con i nostri comportamenti e con le persone che ci circondano, perché sommando i piccoli beni che ognuno di noi può fare, un giorno cesserà la cultura del morte che queste leggi facilitano.
 The revolution of the 21st century will not be from the top to the bottom, but from the bottom to the top".

"We are normal people who, loving truth and freedom, and honestly proposing to others what we believe is worthwhile, we will change this world, if we want to. And I encourage all of us because, if we are responsible, it is possible and easy to do it," concluded Benigno Blanco.

Pedagogy of life, fare il bene

First of all, the spokesman, who last Sunday in Madrid, was able to see himself taking part in the march of the Sì alla Vitadiscussed the idea of participation. "It would be a great thing to be able to wait for these close concentrations of influenza among the people around us, through the associations, the web, telling positive stories, teaching life pedagogy, influencing doctors, health workers, etc.,".

"Ma non soffermiamoci su quanto è brutto il mondo... Cercheremo di fare del bene intorno a noi, perché questo è efficace in termini storici, anche se non sappiamo come specifare quali effetti positivi abbia adesso o avrà nel futuro.
There is a famous phrase in Christian culture, and it is that evil is bound with the surplus of good. If evil worries you, you do good. And this is at the door of all. 

"Recuperare il substrato umanistico".

In his presentation to CARF, entitled 'Social self-distortion', Benigno Blanco stressed that "the human being has been disumanized, reducing it to a thing", and "the awareness of the value of life has been lost. The birth is a human being that deserves respect". And as far as children are concerned, it seems that he is saying: "you cost too much. Fateci il piacere di andarvene."

According to him, what has succeeded are two things in particular: the crime that has become a right, and the criminal behavior that has been trivialized and is seen as normal. 

In Belgium euthanasia was legalized in 2002 and went from 24 near deaths to about 2,000 in 2015. E nei Paesi Bassi si sono già verificati 6.000 casi di eutanasia nel 2016. (almost 7,000 in 2020, that is 4% of the total number of deaths in the whole country).
"C'è stato un effetto di slittamento", "un crollo morale", ecco perché la "difesa attiva della dignità umana", "il recupero della cultura della vita" sono ora una necessità.

With those "concentrated groups of people who act according to the ethics of care, with the awareness that useful things are the responsibility of everyone, and not only of those who have a problem, we will seek that humanistic substrate that one day will make it possible to modify laws such as those on abortion or euthanasia", said the Assembly's rapporteur, who also referred to the need for conscience.
In this regard, the Spanish Episcopal Conference has just published a Nota Dottrinale on the obtention of conscience, which you can consult here.

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