
God's dreams

To love life is to pursue the dream that God had when he created human beings. He dreamed us in full communion with one another.

Lucía Simón-February 10, 2022-Reading time: 3 minutes

Photo credit: Aziz Acharki / Unsplash

Loving life begins by accepting and welcoming it from the very first moment. This act resembles God the Father who, with immense tenderness, already had us in his heart from the very first moment. Sometimes it is difficult for us to accept a new life because we did not expect it to come at that moment or in that way. Because it doesn't adapt to what we had planned and it upsets us.

We live in a society where parenting is a real adventure. Reconciling work and family life, access to housing... it all seems very difficult and costly.

In addition, there is a trend that veiled rejection of children. We have seen it in the pandemic. They bother, they make noise, they touch everything... It seems that children bother us. They disturb their innocence and spontaneity. It bothers that they demand from everyone a response, a going out of oneself to take care of them, to attend to them or simply to put up with them. Their dependence bothers us.

Welcoming life means defending it from attacks as unnatural as abortion. But it also means not making a bad face when a child bothers us on public transportation or in line at the doctor's office. It means giving understanding and support to those who are afraid of being parents and feel alone in a task that belongs to all of us as a society.

We will not end abortion as long as we do not end the individualistic mentality, incapable of tolerating and loving others for being just who they are. For being a person. How much joy and happiness is given by true surrender. To give oneself to others and not to live thinking of oneself and our rights. So many families who welcome children, even if they are born in a moment of difficulty, know this. Those who take in and care for the elderly at enormous personal cost. In hard times we have the experience that the warmth of others and feeling united is what matters most.

There are many foundations and associations helping mothers at risk of miscarriage and families, which could tell so many examples of how support and being with each other radically change the attitude of the parents towards the new child. When a woman becomes pregnant she is not afraid and overwhelmed just because of how she will buy diapers. She is afraid because from the very first moment, every mother knows that she will be united to that child forever and will have to take care of it, accompany it... It is a task of the parents but also of the whole society.

The human being was created for donation. To give himself. We often find people frustrated because their life has not developed as they thought it would. Because they have not achieved everything they intended. How many lies in those self-help books that say that we achieve everything with our strength and our mind. Human beings are only happy in relationship with others. We depend on others. And that others are happy, also depends a lot on us.

To love life is to pursue the dream that God had when he created human beings. He dreamed us in full communion with one another. In harmony. It is true that because of sin this dream appears today blurred and damaged. We are not perfect. We hurt each other. Or we shout at each other. We put ourselves first in front of those who need us most... But all is not lost.

We can fight to change what depends on us. Even if they are just a few. Spending time listening, constantly fighting to achieve a balance between family and work, not complaining about the inconvenience caused by others...

There are a thousand ways in which we can advance in the love of life. It is not enough to participate in demonstrations against abortion, although they are also necessary to express our rejection of this cruel act. Let us change society with a few. Let us change society with our attitude towards life, loving others. Welcoming and accepting them from the first moment and until the end.

We leave you a history to help you understand God's dreams

The authorLucía Simón

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