
Situations, in which it is better not to be ignored.

Manchmal gibt es Paare es gibt es Paare, die selbst wenige Tage vor ihr Hochzeit noch noch begründete Zweifel haben. These are often the only way to avoid the risk of a longer breakage.

José María Contreras-September 12, 2022-Reading time: 3 minutes
better not to get married

Der Artikel in seiner Originalfassung auf Spanisch hier

Manchmal kennen wir ein Paar, wo wir ahnen, dass seine Beziehung zu zerbrechen droht. However, we do not want them to say that. Is it the sight, the fear, or the anxiety, to be rejected or not to be understood?

In the majority of cases it may be clear, but in other cases it may well be that we do not know how we should react, or that we will lose the courage and the strength to do so.

It is paradoxical, however, that if we recognize the possibility of such an abstinence for our children and we do not feel it is not enough to tell them. It is important for the Rat to be in agreement and to make them at the right time at the right point in the process.

Es ist auch vernünftig, sie von jemandem, der Einfluss auf sie hat, informieren zu lassen, wenn wir wissen, dass es der Betreffende richtig machen wird.

Often times, there will be relationships that do not pass from the outset or that are not changed at the end of the period of time. It is clear that the relationships are so difficult, that it is obvious that the risk of loss in the future is in danger.

One of the reasons, not to be ignored, would be to make a connection only from a middle ground in order to make the partner happy.

Such a single half-weight can instead lead to a catastrophe and a lack of unity in the partnership.

In other words, such a - as an example of solidarity for others - can lead to a certain degree of success.

I should make sure that I can share my life with the other person. It is not about an NGO.

A further reason may be that it is more difficult to change.

Maybe you have to wait until the location has been "disturbed", and then you have to make a decision. We could say to each other: "If the location is not accessible, they should not be left unattended. If that would be the case, it should not be better to avoid it, because that would be a sign that the truth will remain the same.

If the first thing that is the most important thing, which would make us decide for our partner, then this would be a further reason not to be taken for granted.

Only and ultimately because of the inherent weaknesses of the body, it would be like a fixed partnership only on the basis of sexuality.      

In this area, all adults are united in the fact that sexuality alone does not allow for any kind of sexual intercourse. A relationship is a personal obligation, which people engage in.

If it is only about sex, it is not about a connection between people, but rather about a connection between bodies.

Sie wird schließlich verfallen.

Auch der Wunsch, das Elternternhaus zu verlassen oder der Wunsch nach Unabhängigkeit, kann keine Begründung für eine Ehe. Many people should be aware of how much they want to be free from their parents, or even how much they want to be as normal.   

This leads to safety at the bottom.

It is necessary to consider that one is "unabhängig" when one is with one's children, as well as when one is a victim. If the reason for a hearing is to be considered "unabhängigkeit" or to prove that it is normal, then there is a false path to follow.

If you don't want to be with your children, you can still avoid the problems that you have with yourself. Particularly risky is, if you decide that the relationship cannot be maintained and you do not open up the relationship to be solved.

Manchmal ist es einfacher, eine Ehe zu beenden, als eine Verlobung zu lösen. Vergessen wir nicht, dass es, so wie es Gründe für eine Heirat gibt, auch solche für den Verzicht auf eine Ehe geben kann.

What we have said about parents who do not want to tell their children something about themselves, although they know that they are looking for the best possible help for their children. Such a problem often arises because the children are not really interested in the trust their children have placed in them.

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