
In Assisi a "virtual candle" for those who have died due to the pandemic

On October 4, an initiative of the Italian Episcopal Conference was held in Assisi to pray for the dead of Covida.

Giovanni Tridente-September 29, 2022-Reading time: 2 minutes
Assisi candle

Original text of the article in Spanish here

Dopo essere stata per tre giorni la patria di migliaia di giovani di tutto il mondo, che sulla spinta del
Magistero attuale si sono radunati per riflettere sull'economia del futuro, chiamata ad essere più
fair and supportive, Assisi will take center stage in the next few days for an initiative driven by the
Conferenza Episcopale Italiana: to remember in the prayer the thousands of deaths caused by the Covid-.
19 l'Italia ha subito negli ultimi due anni.

The proposal is titled "Prega per il mio mio mio caro" and will use technology to help you reach your
piedi di San Francesco il ricordo dei familiari di chi è caduto vittima della pandemia. Voluta dal
President of the Italian Episcopal Conference, Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, the mobilization
virtual - through a convenient web page where everyone can enter the names of family members
- wants to learn that edge that was broken in the hard times of the lockdown when many people "if
sono congedate da noi, a causa del Covid, in qualche maniera nell'anonimato".
Situations that have added pain to the pain, often due to cold shock and inhumane treatment,
without an embrace and without a care. Even Pope Francis has referred several times to this one which is
stata giudicicata una tragedia nella tragedia, che ha lasciato una scia di sofferenza, rimpianti e a volte
un senso di colpa.

"Ho affidato ai frati della Basilica di San Francesco d'Assisi il compito di raccogliere i nomi dei
to contact those who wish to remember their loved ones for this special occasion.
commemoration", said Cardinal Zuppi. It will be a concrete way "to achieve in the
faith and in the vicinity of friendship all those who today are still suffering for not having been able to give
l'ultimo saluto ai familiari e alle persone care".

Accessing the portal you can "light" a candle.
virtuale indicating the name of the family; the Friars of Assisi will be required to send all their
names collected for this occasion on the Tomba of San Francesco, so as to affirm these
persone a lui e al Signore.

Lo faranno il 4 ottobre, Festa del Santo, occasione nella quale il Presidente della Repubblica
Italiana, Sergio Mattarella, will accept a Lampada Votiva offered by Italy - di cui San Francesco
is the Patron Saint of Siena, Santa Caterina da Siena - to pray for health, forces of order and volunteers.
that occurred during the pandemic and remembered all those who died.

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